Mars Education Professional Development

Our professional development trainings also help teachers to sharpen their skills and return to the classroom with higher motivations and new inspirational ideas.
The Mars Education Program specializes in K-12 educator professional development conferences within the STEM disciplines. Conference attendees participate in hands-on, minds-on, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) aligned activities that are STEM-focused and designed to engage students in STEM learning while learning about the challenging expedition of space exploration.
In addition, presentation and keynote addresses from NASA mission scientists often are included in the ASU MarsEd conference program to share their first-hand experience on how we, as a planet explore. While we learn about new ways to inspire students, you will also learn how to incorporate Mars Education lessons and curriculum into your formal educational settings.
With over 20 years in professional development educator training the ASU Mars Education program is here to work with you in the challenges that you face in the classroom. Partner with us by attending one of our conferences or workshops for an enriching learning and motivational experience through the excitement of space exploration.
Upon conference completion, educators receive a certificate for professional development hours awarded.
To preview and sign up for our next professional develop conference go to our upcoming events page to view our upcoming trainings.